One thing my mother and grandparents always instilled in me at a young age is, there are many blessings that come from helping others. No matter what the task might be, it brings me joy when I am able to help others. By helping other people with tasks, projects or with life itself you’re showing the greatness of being human.

We were able to help and friend of ours move this weekend. She had asked numerous people (friends of hers) for help. My husband and I were two out of four that showed up to help her in her time of need. Moving might not be changing the world type of help but in helping others you show your kindness. Kindness can be contagious just like smiles or yawns.

If everyone in the world took the time to be kind every day and help, if someone looked like they needed help or was asked for help. We wouldn’t have so much violence and killings in our world today.